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Are you tired of scrolling through Pinterest, pinning your favorite images, and wishing you could turn your online obsession into a profitable business? Then you might want to consider Pinterest Affiliate Marketing. With over 518 million monthly active users, Pinterest has become a goldmine for affiliate marketers, and the best part? You can monetize your pins and earn money from your passion.

In 2024, Pinterest affiliate marketing is no longer a secret strategy reserved for the tech-savvy. With the rise of influencer marketing and online shopping, it’s never been easier to turn your Pinterest hobby into a lucrative side hustle. 

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a Pinterest newbie, this guide will walk you through the simple steps to turn your pins into profit. From setting up your Pinterest accounts to creating high-converting pins, we’ll cover it all. Read on for more!

What is Pinterest Affiliate Marketing?

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing
Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Pinterest is a social media network and visual-based search engine where users can explore and discover new products, ideas, and inspiration. The content is presented in a “pin” format, which is an image attached to an external link. Users save these pins to their Pinterest boards, creating a virtual mood board for future reference.

Pinterest affiliate marketing is a strategy where individuals or businesses promote products or services on Pinterest using affiliate links. These links are unique URLs provided by companies through their affiliate programs. Affiliate marketers create pins with images or videos and include these affiliate links to products or services. When someone clicks on these links and makes a purchase, the affiliate marketer earns a commission.

Learn more about affiliate marketing here.

How Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Works

Pinterest affiliate marketing is a strategic way to turn your love for pinning into a profitable side hustle. Here’s how it works:

  • Join Affiliate Programs: Affiliate marketers start by signing up for affiliate programs offered by companies or affiliate networks. These programs provide unique affiliate links that track referrals and sales.
  • Create Compelling Content: Marketers create visually appealing pins that showcase the products or services they want to promote. These pins can include high-quality images, informative graphics, or engaging videos. The key is to create content that grabs users’ attention and entices them to click.
  • Embed Affiliate Links: Within the pin description or directly on the image itself, affiliate marketers would embed their unique affiliate links. These links lead users to the product or service page where they can learn more or make a purchase.
  • Strategic Pinning: Marketers strategically pin their content to relevant boards on their Pinterest profile. They may also join group boards or collaborate with other users to increase the visibility of their pins.
  • Optimize for Discovery: To maximize the reach of their pins, they would optimize these pins for Pinterest’s search algorithm. This involves using relevant keywords, descriptive captions, and appropriate hashtags to make the pins more discoverable to users searching for related content.
  • Earn Commissions: When users click on an affiliate-linked pin and make a purchase, the affiliate marketer earns a commission based on the terms of the affiliate program. Commissions can vary depending on the product or service being promoted and the affiliate program’s commission structure.

Why Use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing?

Using Pinterest for affiliate marketing offers several advantages that make it a valuable platform for marketers. Here are some key reasons:

Visual Appeal: Pinterest is a highly visual platform, with users drawn to aesthetically pleasing images and graphics. This makes it ideal for showcasing products and services in a visually appealing manner, capturing users’ attention and driving engagement.

High Engagement: Pinterest users are actively seeking inspiration, ideas, and products. They spend significant time browsing and pinning content related to their interests, making them more receptive to affiliate promotions. This high level of engagement increases the likelihood of users clicking on affiliate-linked pins and making purchases.

Longevity of Pins: Unlike other social media platforms where posts quickly fade away, pins on Pinterest have a longer lifespan. Pins can continue to attract clicks, saves, and engagement over time, providing a consistent source of traffic and potential revenue for affiliate marketers.

Searchability: Pinterest functions as a visual search engine, allowing users to discover content based on their interests and search queries. Marketers can optimize their pins with relevant keywords, hashtags, and descriptions to make them more discoverable to users searching for related content. This searchability increases the visibility and reach of affiliate-linked pins, driving more traffic and potential conversions.

Targeted Audience: Pinterest users often have clear interests and preferences, making it easier for marketers to target specific niche audiences. By tailoring their content and promotions to match the interests of Pinterest users, affiliate marketers can reach highly relevant and receptive audiences, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Community and Collaboration: Pinterest fosters a sense of community among its users, with features such as group boards, collaborative pins, and commenting. Marketers can leverage these features to engage with their audience, build relationships, and promote their affiliate content collaboratively with other users.

Monetization Opportunities: Pinterest offers various monetization opportunities for affiliate marketers, including affiliate programs, sponsored content, and promoted pins. Marketers can diversify their revenue streams and maximize their earnings potential by leveraging these monetization options.

How to Use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing in 2024

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through how to use Pinterest for affiliate marketing, from signing up as an affiliate to analyzing your results. 

Step 1: Sign Up for Affiliate Programs

First things first, you need to join affiliate programs that align with your niche and interests. There are plenty of options out there, from major players like Amazon Associates to specialized networks like ShareASale and CJ Affiliate. Choose programs that offer products or services your audience will love.

When selecting affiliate programs, do some research on the commission rates, payout methods, and support provided. You can also join multiple programs to diversify your income streams and increase your earning potential. Start by listing the products you already use and love, then find affiliate programs that offer those products.

Tip: Look for programs with good commission rates and products you’re genuinely excited about. Sharing your personal experience with a product can resonate more with your audience and drive higher conversions.

Step 2: Create a Pinterest Business Account

pinterest business
pinterest business

If you haven’t already, switch to a Pinterest Business account. This gives you access to valuable analytics and tools to optimize your marketing strategy. Plus, it adds a level of professionalism to your profile.

Setting up a business account is straightforward. Simply go to your account settings and select the option to switch to a business account. This upgrade will provide you with features like Pinterest Analytics, Rich Pins, and the ability to run ads, which can all enhance your affiliate marketing efforts.

Tip: Use a clear, high-quality profile picture and write a compelling bio that highlights your niche and expertise. Include relevant keywords in your bio to make your profile more discoverable.

Step 3: Set Up Boards Strategically

Create boards that reflect the interests and needs of your target audience. Each board should be centered around a specific theme or topic related to the products you’re promoting.

Think about the categories your audience is most interested in. If you’re in the fitness niche, for instance, you might have boards like “Healthy Recipes,” “Workout Gear,” and “Fitness Tips.” Also organize your boards logically and consistently, so users can easily navigate and find what they’re looking for.

Tip: Name your boards with relevant keywords to make them easily searchable.

Step 4: Design Eye-Catching Pins

Now here’s the fun part; creating visually appealing pins that stand out in users’ feeds. Use high-quality images, bold text overlays, and consistent branding. Tools like Canva are fantastic for designing professional-looking pins without needing to hire a graphic designer.

You can experiment with different design elements to see what resonates with your audience. Use vibrant colors, compelling fonts, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs). High-quality visuals are crucial on Pinterest, as users are drawn to attractive images. Ensure your pins are vertical and have a 2:3 aspect ratio for the best performance.

Tip: Aim for images that are 1000 x 1500 pixels, and create templates to streamline your pin creation process and maintain a consistent look and feel.

Incorporate your affiliate links into the pins you create. You can do this by including the link directly in the pin description or using a call-to-action button on the pin itself. Make sure the link goes to a relevant product page that matches the content of your pin.

Be transparent about your affiliate links. Always disclose your affiliate relationships to build trust with your audience and comply with legal requirements. You can include a simple disclaimer in your pin description, such as “This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

Tip: Use URL shorteners or custom domain links to make your affiliate links look cleaner and more professional. This can also make them easier to track and manage. 

Step 6: Optimize for SEO

Pinterest is not just a social platform; it’s also a search engine. Optimize your pins and boards with relevant keywords to increase their visibility. Use these keywords in your pin titles, descriptions, and board names.

Research popular keywords in your niche using Pinterest’s search bar, Google Keyword Planner, or other SEO tools. Include these keywords naturally in your content to improve your chances of appearing in search results. Don’t forget to use hashtags as well, as they can help categorize your content and make it easier to find.

Tip: Think about what your audience might be searching for and use those terms. Don’t forget to use hashtags as well, as they can help categorize your content and make it easier to find.

Step 7: Schedule Pins Consistently

To constantly grow on Pinterest, you need to be consistent. Pin fresh content daily to help keep your profile active, and keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Use scheduling tools like Tailwind to plan and automate your pinning strategy.

You can also use other social media management tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your pins in advance. Make sure to pin at optimal times, like during peak hours or when your audience is most active.

Tip: Use the analytics provided by these scheduling tools to identify peak times when your audience is most active. Adjust your pinning schedule to post during these times for maximum visibility and engagement.

Step 8: Engage with Your Audience

Pinterest is a social platform, so don’t forget to engage! Respond to comments, thank people for repinning your content, and interact with other users’ pins. This builds community and encourages more interaction with your pins.

Also, participate in group boards and communities to connect with like-minded individuals. The more you engage, the more likely users are to trust your recommendations and click on your affiliate links.

Tip: Follow other influencers in your niche and engage with their content. This can increase your visibility and attract more followers to your profile.

Step 9: Track Performance Metrics

Use Pinterest Analytics to track the performance of your pins and boards. Look at metrics like impressions, clicks, saves, and conversions to see what’s working and what needs adjustment. Use this data to refine your strategy and improve your results over time.

Identify which pins are driving the most traffic and conversions, and create more content like that. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies and formats to see what resonates best with your audience.

Tip: Regularly test different types of pins and strategies to see what resonates most with your audience. Use A/B testing to compare the performance of different pin designs, descriptions, and keywords. 

6 Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Tips 

1. Create Compelling Pins: Design visually appealing pins that stand out in users’ feeds. Use high-quality images, clear text overlays, and eye-catching graphics to capture attention and encourage clicks. You should aim for a 2:3 aspect ratio (e.g., 1000 x 1500 pixels) when creating pins.

2. Diversify Your Content: Mix up your content by including a variety of pins, such as product showcases, how-to guides, inspirational quotes, and lifestyle images. This keeps your audience engaged and prevents your boards from becoming too promotional.

3. Optimize Pin Descriptions: Write clear and compelling descriptions for your pins, incorporating relevant keywords to improve their searchability and reach on Pinterest. Also, use relevant hashtags and compelling calls to action to encourage engagement and clicks.

4. Use Rich Pins: Enable Rich Pins for your website to provide additional context and information about your pins, such as product details, prices, and availability. Rich Pins enhance the user experience and encourage clicks and conversions.

5. Curate Niche-Specific Boards: Focus on creating boards that cater to specific niches or interests relevant to your target audience. This helps attract users interested in those topics and increases the effectiveness of your affiliate promotions.

6. Disclose your Affiliate Status: Be transparent about your affiliate partnerships by disclosing them in your pin descriptions or on your website. Honesty builds trust with your audience and ensures compliance with Pinterest’s guidelines.


Hey there! You made it to the end! Pinterest affiliate marketing is a lucrative opportunity for those who know how to harness its power. With millions of users, eye-catching visuals, and a focus on planning and aspiration, it’s the perfect platform for affiliates to thrive. 

By following the tips outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create attention-grabbing pins, optimize your keywords, and build a loyal audience that can’t wait to see what you’re promoting next. And the most amazing part? You’ll be driving sales and boosting your affiliate marketing success in no time!

Have questions or need assistance with your Pinterest affiliate marketing efforts? Reach out to us—we’re here to help you succeed!

Read our Next Post:

How To Start Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest Without A Blog In 2024

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