
Google Sheets Table: Step-by-step Beginner Guide in 2024


Spreadsheets can be intimidating at first glance, filled with rows and columns waiting to be tamed. But fear not! Google Sheets, a free web-based spreadsheet application, offers a powerful yet user-friendly tool to transform your data into a manageable and insightful format – the table. This comprehensive guide will equip you, whether a spreadsheet novice or a seasoned user, to become a table-wielding champion in Google Sheets.

Imagine a world where your data isn’t scattered and chaotic, but neatly organized and visually appealing. That’s the magic of tables! Throughout this guide, we’ll explore the how-tos of creating tables in Google Sheets, delve into their numerous benefits, and unveil customization options, advanced techniques, and helpful tips. By the end of this journey, you’ll be confident in harnessing the power of tables to conquer your spreadsheets and unlock valuable insights from your data.

So, grab your virtual pen and get ready to transform your data game!

What is Google Sheets?

google sheets
google sheets

Google Sheets is a free, web-based spreadsheet application included in the Google Docs suite.  Think of it as a digital notebook filled with rows and columns where you can organize, analyze, and manipulate data.  It offers a user-friendly interface similar to Microsoft Excel, making it a popular choice for individuals and businesses alike.

Why Use Tables in Google Sheets?

Imagine a world where your data isn’t scattered across random cells, but neatly organized and visually appealing. That’s the magic of tables!  Here’s why you should embrace them when you create a table in Google Sheets or insert a table into Google Sheets:

  • Clarity and Readability: Tables transform raw data into a structured format, making it easier to understand relationships and patterns within your information. No more hunting for meaning in a sea of numbers and text!
  • Data Formatting: Tables automatically format your data with borders, alignment, and even conditional formatting (think color-coding for easy identification). This saves you time and effort compared to manually formatting each cell.
  • Filtering and Sorting: Tables allow you to filter specific data points or sort information alphabetically, numerically, or by date. Find what you need in a flash, whether you’re working with a customer list or a budget breakdown.
  • Data Validation: Want to ensure only certain types of data enter your table? Tables allow you to set validation rules, preventing any mishaps. This is especially helpful for maintaining data accuracy in critical spreadsheets.
  • Collaboration Made Easy: Working with others on a spreadsheet? Tables ensure everyone sees the data in a consistent and organized way. No more confusion about where information is located or how it’s formatted.

How to create a table in google sheets: Step-by-Step

This has always been a serious question for beginners and experts coming from excel to google sheet and there is lots of misinformation online about creating a table in Google sheet. Google sheets does not support that functionality as been stated in most articles (only available in Microsoft Excel). I will be discussing the three functionalities that can be used to create table in Google sheet.

Google sheets alternating colors

Google Sheets “alternating colors” is a formatting feature that automatically applies different background colors to rows or columns in a table, creating a striped or alternating pattern. This enhances readability and helps visually distinguish between sets of data. It the first feature we will be using in creating our google sheet table.

how to create a table in google sheets
how to create a table in google sheets

How to use alternating colors in google sheets

  1. First is for us to visit Google Sheet and login with a google account. Create a blank sheet and type in all your desired data.
  2. After creating your data, highlight desired data range but make sure the first row of your data contains your headers (e.g., “Name,” “Age,” “City”). These headers will become your table’s column labels.
  3. Navigate to the “Format” menu in the toolbar.  Among the dropdown menu, you will see an option called “Alternating Colors” and click on it.
  4. A right panel will appears after click on the alternating color, giving you the power to customize your table. Here’s what you can do:
    • Data Range Adjustment: A preview of the selected range will show. If needed, you can adjust the range here to ensure all your desired data.
    • Table Styling: The next is your table styling which include two check box to identify if your table has a header and footer which you can select as desired, followed by table premade styling or custom styling. You can customize as desired.
  5. Click “Done” if you are satisfy and your data transforms into a beautiful, functional table.

Google sheets Freeze and Create Filter

In Google Sheets, “Freeze” and “Create Filter” are two separate functionalities that work together to enhance data analysis and presentation within your spreadsheets. By combining “Freeze” and “Create Filter” functionalities to our above created table to achieve same table behavior as that of Microsoft Excel. Let’s break them down individually:

Google sheet freeze and filter
Google sheet freeze and filter

How to use freeze in google sheets

The “Freeze” feature allows you to lock specific rows or columns in place while you scroll through the rest of your spreadsheet. This is particularly helpful for large datasets where you want to keep your table headers or row labels visible as you navigate through the data.

  • How to Use:
    1. Select the row(s) or column(s) you want to freeze. Which in our case is the header
    2. Go to the “View” menu in the toolbar.
    3. Select “Freeze” and choose the option you desire (e.g., “1 row” to freeze the top row).

How to use Create Filter in google sheets

The “Create Filter” feature adds filter drop-down menus to your table headers. These filters allow you to quickly sort and display specific subsets of your data based on chosen criteria.

  • How to Use:
    1. Ensure you have a table in your spreadsheet (you can create one by highlighting your data range and selecting “Insert” > “Table”).
    2. Click on any cell within your table.
    3. Go to “Data” in the toolbar.
    4. Select “Create filter.

Working with google sheets table

Now that you’ve created a table, it’s time to explore some customization options to enhance your Google Sheets table:

  • Renaming Columns: Double-click on any header cell to rename that column. Descriptive column names make your data even easier to understand.
  • Adding/Deleting Rows or Columns: Click on any cell within your table. Right-click and navigate to “Insert row above/below” or “Insert column left/right” to add new data points. Similarly, you can delete rows or columns by right-clicking and selecting “Delete row/column.”
  • Sorting: Want to organize your data alphabetically, numerically, or by date? Click on any header cell to sort by that column. Click again to reverse the sort order. This is a great way to quickly analyze trends or patterns in your data.
  • Filtering: The funnel icon appears next to your header cells. Click on it to filter your data based on specific criteria. For example, filter a list of employees by department or city. This allows you to focus on specific subsets of your data within your Google Sheets table.

Advanced Google Sheets Table Techniques

Feeling comfortable with the basics of creating tables in Google Sheets?  Let’s explore some advanced features to take your spreadsheet skills to the next level:

  • Data Validation: Ensure only the right data enters your table. Select a column, right-click, and choose “Data validation.” Here you can set rules like allowing only numbers, specific text entries, or dates. This is particularly useful for maintaining data integrity in financial spreadsheets or project timelines.
  • Conditional Formatting: Want to color-code your table for better visual representation? Highlight your table and click on “Format” in the toolbar. Select “Conditional formatting” to set rules based on different criteria, such as highlighting high or low values. This can help you identify important trends or outliers within your data set in your Google Sheets table.
  • Resize Rows and Columns: Hover your mouse between the column headers or row numbers until you see a double-headed arrow. Drag to adjust the width or height of your rows and columns for a perfect fit. This ensures your data is displayed clearly and avoids any text overflow within your Google Sheets table.

Google Sheets Table Tips and Tricks

Here are some bonus tips to make you a table-wielding master in Google Sheets:

  • Convert Text to Numbers: If you’re working with data that appears as text but needs to be treated as numbers (e.g., currency values), you can highlight the column and select “Data” > “Clean” > “Convert to number.” This ensures calculations within your Google Sheets table are performed accurately.
  • Table Naming: Give your table a descriptive name by clicking anywhere within the table and selecting “Table properties” from the menu. Assigning a clear name helps you and your collaborators easily identify the purpose of the table within the spreadsheet.


How do I create a table in Microsoft Excel?

Creating a table in Google Sheets is a breeze! Here’s how:

1. Select the data range you want to transform into a table.
2. Navigate to the “Insert” menu in the toolbar and click “Table.”
3. In the pop-up window, customize your table by including a header row, adjusting the data range (if needed), or specifying the number of columns/rows.
3. Click “Ok,” and your data is now a beautiful and organized table.

What are the benefits of using tables in Google Sheets?

Tables offer a multitude of advantages:

Enhanced Clarity and Readability: Tables structure your data, making it easier to understand relationships and patterns within your information.
Automatic Formatting: Tables automatically format your data with borders, alignment, and even conditional formatting options for a polished look.
Sorting and Filtering Power: Easily sort your data alphabetically, numerically, or by date. Additionally, filter specific information based on your needs.
Data Validation: Ensure only the right data enters your table by setting validation rules, preventing errors and maintaining data integrity.
Streamlined Collaboration: Working with others on a spreadsheet? Tables guarantee everyone sees the data in a consistent and organized way.

How can I customize my table in Google Sheets?

Google Sheets offers various customization options for your tables:

Renaming Columns: Double-click on a header cell to give it a descriptive name, enhancing data comprehension.
Adding/Deleting Rows or Columns: Right-click within the table and choose “Insert row above/below” or “Insert column left/right” to add data points. Similarly, you can delete rows or columns as needed.
Sorting: Click on any header cell to sort your data by that column (ascending or descending).
Filtering: The funnel icon next to your header cells allows you to filter your data based on specific criteria.

Are there any advanced table techniques in Google Sheets?

Yes! For spreadsheet ninjas, here are some advanced features:

Data Validation: Set rules to restrict the type of data entered in specific columns, ensuring accuracy.
Conditional Formatting: Use color-coding to visually highlight important trends or outliers within your data set.
Resize Rows and Columns: Adjust the width or height of your rows and columns for optimal data display.

What are some additional tips for working with tables in Google Sheets?

Here are some bonus tips to elevate your spreadsheet skills:

Freeze Panes: For large tables, freeze the top row or column headers to keep them visible as you scroll through your data.
Convert Text to Numbers: If your data appears as text but needs to be treated as numbers (e.g., currency values), convert it for accurate calculations.
Table Naming: Give your table a clear and descriptive name for easy identification within your spreadsheet.


Tables are more than just a way to organize data in Google Sheets; they’re a gateway to clarity, efficiency, and powerful data analysis. By incorporating tables into your spreadsheet workflow, you’ll experience a newfound level of control over your information.  No longer will your data be a tangled mess – it will be transformed into a well-structured and visually appealing format, ready to be explored and understood.

So, the next time you face a mountain of data, remember the power of the table! It’s your key to unlocking the hidden potential within your spreadsheets and transforming raw information into actionable insights.

About the author

Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best!

Before blogging which started as a side project in 2019, Gbenga successfully led a digital marketing team for a prominent e-commerce startup. His expertise also extends to evaluating and recommending top-notch software solutions to boost your online business.

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Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best...

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