
How to Start a Podcast with No Existing Audience in 2024


Are you thinking about starting a podcast but don’t know where to start? Or you have an amazing idea for a podcast show but you’re worried that you won’t have an audience? The good news is, it’s now easier than ever to start a podcast, and (fun part) you don’t even need an existing audience to launch a successful one. 

With Spotify shelling out millions on podcast shows, it’s no wonder that more and more creators are interested in starting a podcast. Podcasting is a great way to expand your business and reach a new audience. However, it can seem like a daunting task, if you have no experience in audio content. 

If you want to get started with a podcast but don’t know where to start, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of starting a podcast from scratch, from choosing a niche to coming up with ideas, to planning and producing your episodes. 

So, get ready to learn how to start your podcast show and share your stories with the world!

What is a podcast?


A podcast is a digital audio program made up of a series of audio episodes that a user can download or stream online. It works very much like a radio show, but with unique advantages that make it appealing to audiences and content creators – You can subscribe to a podcast and listen to it anytime you want.

Podcasts can be about any topic, from news and current events to comedy and entertainment. Some podcasts focus on specific hobbies or interests, such as cooking, travel, and sports… It all depends on your desires and personal interests. 

How Does it Work?

Podcasts are one of the easiest forms of media to get started with. All you need is some basic equipment, like recording software and a microphone. 

Typically, a podcaster will record and edit digital content, and then share with it an audience. They can either post it on YouTube or share it directly through their website, or publish audio files on podcast apps (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc).

These apps allow users to search for podcasts by topic, browse through featured podcasts, and subscribe to their favorite shows.

Why Start a Podcast?

Why Start a Podcast?
Why Start a Podcast?

There are many reasons why you might decide to start a podcast. Some of the most common are::

  • To share your passion with the world. If you’re passionate about a particular topic, starting a podcast is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with others.
  • To enhance your visibility. Starting a podcast can significantly improve your visibility and brand. By consistently producing high-quality content, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. This can lead to more exposure, followers, and potential customers.
  • To build a community. Podcasting can be a great way to connect with other people who share your interests. You can use your podcast to build a community of listeners who can support each other and learn from each other.
  • To earn an income. There are different ways to monetize your podcast; these include advertising, sponsorships, and selling digital products and services.

How to Start a Podcast in 5 Easy Steps

Don’t be put off by the fact that you don’t have an audience yet. Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to start a podcast from scratch.

Step 1. Find your niche

The first step to starting your podcast is to decide on a niche, as this will determine the success of your show. Your niche is the specific topic or area that your podcast will focus on. It should be something you are passionate and knowledgeable about, and there should also be an awaiting audience for it. 

A niche makes it easier for you to stand out from the competition and also attract a loyal audience for your podcast. With a well-defined niche, you can market your podcast to a specific group of people and grow your audience faster.

To find your podcast niche, it is important to consider your interests and passions, as well as who you want to reach and what their needs and interests are. You’ll also want to carry out some research on your competition to see what other podcasts are doing well and what could be improved. With a clear niche in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful podcast.

Step 2. Identify your target audience

Next up, you’ll need to determine the target audience for your podcast. Defining your target audience is a really important step to make sure that there’s a market for the podcast you’re creating.

When identifying your target audience, consider factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and any specific problems or needs they might have. You can also conduct market research, analyze trends, and engage with potential listeners via surveys or social media to gather valuable insights on your audience.

Once you know your podcast audience, you can tailor your content, marketing, and even monetization strategies to best serve them. 

Tip: The secret to starting a podcast without an audience is to be as specific as possible about your target audience. This will ensure that everything you create – from your podcast content to your branding and more – is designed to attract them.

Step 3. Create your brand

Now you know what your niche is and who your ideal audience is, it’s time to start building your brand. A brand identity can make your podcast more recognizable to listeners, and more distinct. Since you currently have no audience, this can be a great opportunity to build your brand from scratch.

First off, choose a brand name that’s original and memorable. Your podcast name should be easy to remember and pronounce. It should also be relevant to the topic of your podcast and reflect your brand identity.

Next, you might want to design a logo, find some catchy music, and come up with an ideal episode structure. All of these help you create a specific look and feel that your listeners can associate with your brand.

Ultimately, a well-crafted brand identity contributes to the overall experience of your podcast. From the tone of your episodes to the language you use, your brand should create a memorable experience that keeps your listeners coming back for more.

By building a strong and recognizable brand, you can establish a loyal listener base and create a long-lasting impact in the podcast world.

Step 4. Plan & Produce your episodes

If you want to make your podcast episodes interesting, you need to start with a good plan. This means brainstorming topics, planning out your episodes, and writing scripts (if necessary). 

Pick topics that you’re passionate about and relevant to your audience, and do your research to make sure you’re providing your listeners with accurate, informative content.

Once you’ve got a podcast plan in place, you can start producing your episodes. Be yourself and let your personality shine through. Tell stories and be interactive with your listeners. Use high-quality audio equipment and edit your episodes carefully.

Tip: Invite some podcast guests—influencers, artists, podcasters, and so on—to join your show. This exposes you and your show to their audience when they promote it, and it’s another way to attract new listeners.

Step 5. Promote your content

Creating a podcast is awesome, but it doesn’t end there. You need to find a way to market your podcast. Here are some tips to get you started:

Submit your podcast to podcast directories. This will make your podcast available to listeners on all major platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Share your podcast on social media: Post links to your episodes on your social media platforms and encourage your followers to listen. You can also create social media ads to target a wider audience.

Attend industry events: This is a great way to network with other podcasters and potential listeners. You can also give presentations or workshops about podcasting.

Email marketing: If you have an existing email list, you can also use this to market your podcast. Create an email marketing campaign to publicize your podcast, aimed at your current mailing list. Encourage people to listen to new episodes and share them with their network.

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It’s important to be consistent with your promotion efforts. Don’t just promote your podcast when you launch a new episode. Promote it regularly to attract new listeners, and keep your audience engaged.

STEP 6: Monetizing Your Podcast

You can start thinking of ways to monetize your podcast once you have a good amount of audience. There are several ways to monetize a podcase, but here are some of the most common methods include:

  • Advertising: By partnering with advertisers relevant to your niche, you can generate income through pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ads. Pre-roll ads play before your podcast episode starts, while mid-roll ads appear during the show, and post-roll ads are positioned at the end. The key is to find sponsors that align with your content and target audience, ensuring a seamless integration that resonates with your listeners.
  • Partnerships: Collaborating with other podcasters or influencers in your industry can provide you with opportunities for cross-promotion. By joining forces, you can tap into each other’s audiences and expand your reach. This can be mutually beneficial, allowing both parties to attract new listeners and potentially secure sponsorships together. Remember, networking is often the key to success!
  • Sponsorships: Sponsorships are another way to monetize your podcast. Brands or companies may be interested in sponsoring your show if they believe their products or services align with your audience’s interests. This can be a great opportunity to create tailored content around the sponsor’s offerings, opening additional revenue streams.
  • Subscriptions: Subscriptions are becoming increasingly popular among podcasters as a monetization method. By offering premium content or exclusive access to bonus episodes, you can entice your most dedicated fans to become paying subscribers. Platforms such as Patreon or Supercast allow you to create a membership program where listeners can unlock special perks in exchange for their support.
  • Merchandise sales: Creating branded merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, or stickers can be an excellent way to connect with your audience and generate extra income. Sell your products on your website or through e-commerce platforms, making it easy for your listeners to show their support while promoting your podcast wherever they go. Merchandise can act as both a revenue driver and a means of building a stronger bond with your fanbase.

It’s important to remember that monetizing your podcast takes time and effort. Building a loyal following should always be your primary focus. Engage with your listeners, create compelling content, and consistently promote your podcast through various channels. As your audience grows, your monetization opportunities will expand, ensuring a more sustainable income.


Can I start a podcast with no audience?

As we’ve said above, it is possible to start and build a successful podcast from scratch, with no existing audience or following. Just ensure you plan it out, identify your target audience, and develop a strong podcast brand and identity.

Also, focus on creating high-quality content and promoting your show to the right people. It might take a bit of time and effort, but you can definitely start a podcast without an audience.

Does a podcast need a topic?

Yes, it is generally recommended for a podcast to have a topic. This will help you focus your content and appeal to a specific audience. It also makes it easier for listeners to find your podcast when they search for content on that particular topic.

If you are not sure what topic you want for your podcast, here are a few tips: Think about what you consider to be an interesting podcast topic. It can be anything, from technology, business, health, E-commerce, food, etc. The possibilities are endless!

How long should a podcast be?

The most popular podcast episodes are between 20 and 40 minutes long. This is a good length for most topics, as it allows the host to cover the material in depth without losing the listener’s attention. However, some podcasts, such as news podcasts or interview podcasts, may be longer or shorter depending on the content.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how long a podcast should be. The most important thing is to create content that is informative, engaging, and the right length for your audience.

How much does it cost to start a podcast?

The cost of starting a podcast varies depending on your budget, and the quality of the podcast equipment you purchase. Taking into account the cost of a basic USB microphone, headphones, and other equipment like pop filters, cables, and more, you can expect to spend between $100 and $300 for your first podcast.  

If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend sticking to the basics like a microphone, recording software, and hosting plan. You can always add additional features and functionality as your podcast grows.

Can I make money from podcasting?

Yes, you can monetize your podcast through several ways including advertising, partnerships, sponsorships, subscriptions, or merch. The biggest thing to note is that you don’t even need the biggest audience to start making money from your podcast. 

Final Words

If you’re considering starting a podcast, there’s no better time than now to take action and make it happen. Remember to stay true to your unique voice and keep telling stories that resonate with you and your audience. Be open to learning and adapting to your audience’s needs, as the podcasting world is always changing. 

So, go ahead and share your stories, connect with your listeners, and enjoy the exciting ride of podcasting. 

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About the author

Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best!

Before blogging which started as a side project in 2019, Gbenga successfully led a digital marketing team for a prominent e-commerce startup. His expertise also extends to evaluating and recommending top-notch software solutions to boost your online business.

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Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best...

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