
7 Time-Consuming Tasks To Outsource As a Blogger


Hey there, fellow bloggers! 

We all know that being a blogger is an exciting and fulfilling journey, but to be honest, it can also be incredibly draining and time-consuming. From brainstorming fresh content ideas to promoting your posts on social media, it sometimes feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. 

While these tasks are essential for the success of your blog, they can also consume a significant amount of your time, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin.

That’s why today, I want to share with you seven tasks you should consider outsourcing. Yes, you read that right – by delegating these time-consuming tasks, you can reclaim your precious time, boost your productivity, and focus on what truly matters: creating killer content for your audience! 

So grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and join me as I unravel this game-changing topic!

7 Blogging Tasks You Can Outsource As a Blogger

There are so many tasks involved in running a successful blog, from writing and editing content to optimizing and promoting it on social media. Here are the most essential ones you can get started with;

1. Content Writing:

Content Writing
Content Writing

Creating high-quality blog posts is at the heart of every successful blog. It is what drives traffic, engages readers, and establishes your blog as an authority in your niche. However, constantly coming up with fresh and engaging content can quickly become overwhelming. 

By hiring a freelance writer, you can free up your time and take the pressure of writing off yourself. This ensures that your blog always offers valuable, well-written blog posts and articles that keep your readers coming back for more.

2. Graphic Design:

Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer

Say goodbye to endless hours spent on Photoshop, Figma, and the rest. If designing is not your forte, then you should consider hiring a skilled graphic designer who can create stunning visuals and infographics that will make your blog visually appealing. This way, you can maintain a beautiful and professional-looking website without putting in hours of effort.

Link Building
Link Building

If you’re looking to get more links to your blog from other websites, link-building is the way to go. But then, building high-quality backlinks can be time-consuming and challenging, so why not hire a professional to do it for you? 

They can help you acquire valuable backlinks from reputable websites, thereby boosting your blog’s authority and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

4. SEO Optimization:

SEO Optimization
SEO Optimization

Let’s face it, mastering the art of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can feel like attempting to crack an enigma code, especially for those without experience in web development or search engine algorithms. 

Delegate this task to an SEO expert who can help optimize your blog content, website structure, and overall online presence with SEO tools and software. This will result in improved visibility, increased traffic, and a wider readership for your blog site.

5. Social Media Management:

Social Media Management
Social Media Management

Social media is a great way to get your blog out there and connect with your audience. But then, how do you keep track of all your social media accounts, monitor them, create content, and engage with your audience? 

By outsourcing your social media tasks to a social media manager, you can ensure that your blog is consistently active across various social media platforms, without stressing yourself or sacrificing your precious time.

6. Email Management:

Email Management
Email Management

As your blog attracts more readers, managing your email inbox can become a daunting task. Responding to inquiries, handling feedback, and nurturing relationships with your audience can be time-consuming and take away your focus from other important things. 

Hire a virtual assistant to help you sort through your inbox, leaving you with only the most important messages. This way, you get to respond to emails promptly, and also maintain a loyal and engaged readership.

7. Website Maintenance:

Website Maintenance
Website Maintenance

Keeping your blog up and running smoothly is crucial for providing a seamless user experience for your audience. From updating plugins to fixing broken links, website maintenance can be a technical headache😩 — and nobody wants that. 

To save yourself from this hassle, consider outsourcing your website maintenance to a web developer to handle the nitty-gritty aspects of maintaining your website.

Blogging FAQs

How do I outsource my blog?

If you’re looking to outsource your blog, there are a few steps you can take. Firstly, identify your blogging needs and goals. Are you looking for someone to write content, edit existing posts, or handle the entire management of your blog? 

Once you have a clear idea, start searching for freelancers or agencies that specialize in blog outsourcing. You can find them on platforms like Upwork, and Freelancer, or by asking for recommendations from fellow bloggers. 
When reaching out to potential candidates, make sure to provide detailed information about your blog’s niche, target audience, and any specific requirements. It’s also helpful to ask for writing samples or a portfolio to assess their style and quality. 

Finally, discuss rates, deadlines, and expectations upfront to avoid any misunderstandings. Remember, outsourcing your blog can be a great way to save time and focus on other important aspects of your business.

How much does it cost to outsource blog writing?

The cost of outsourcing your blog varies depending on several factors such as the complexity of the content, the frequency of blog posts, and the expertise of the freelancer or agency. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5 to $100 per blog post for blog writing services.

What do bloggers do all day?

Bloggers have a wide range of tasks that keep them busy throughout the day. Firstly, they spend time researching and brainstorming ideas for new blog posts. Once they have their topic, they dedicate time to writing engaging content, ensuring it is well-structured and free of errors. Additionally, they often include relevant images or multimedia to enhance their posts. 

Alongside content creation, bloggers also promote their work through various channels such as social media platforms, email newsletters, or collaborations with other bloggers. They engage with their readers by responding to comments, emails, and messages, fostering a sense of community and building relationships. 

Moreover, bloggers constantly analyze and improve their websites, checking for broken links, optimizing their sites for search engines, and monitoring their traffic and audience demographics. They also stay up-to-date with industry trends, attend events, and network with other bloggers and professionals are essential activities for bloggers. 

In summary, bloggers have a multifaceted role that involves researching, writing, promoting, interacting with readers, and staying on top of industry developments. Kudos to all bloggers out there!👍 👍 👍 

What tasks can I outsource as a blogger?

As a blogger, there are several tasks that you can outsource to lighten your workload and focus on what you do best. These tasks include Content creation, Editing and proofreading, Graphic design, Social media management, SEO optimization, Website maintenance, and many more. 

Remember, outsourcing these tasks not only saves you time but also brings expertise and fresh perspectives to areas where you may lack experience. This way, you can enhance your overall blogging experience and provide your readers with top-notch content. 

Final Words

There are still other tasks that can be outsourced for better performance; It’s up to you to decide what you can/can’t do in a reasonable amount of time. 

Ultimately, you want to focus on your strong areas and outsource your weak spots to professionals who can do them better and faster than you. So, go ahead and assess your workload – identify those time-consuming tasks that could benefit from external assistance, and let a professional take care of them.

Also Read: How to Write Blog Posts with Jasper AI: 2024 Beginner guide

Have you ever outsourced your blog? If yes, what tasks did you outsource? Share your experience with us in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you! 💙 💙 💙 

About the author

Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best!

Before blogging which started as a side project in 2019, Gbenga successfully led a digital marketing team for a prominent e-commerce startup. His expertise also extends to evaluating and recommending top-notch software solutions to boost your online business.

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Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best...

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