
What Are Google’s AI Overviews? Everything You Need to Know


Google has introduced a groundbreaking feature known as AI Overviews, designed to transform the search experience for users. Announced at Google I/O by Liz Reid, the new head of Search, AI Overviews are rolling out to all U.S.-based searchers, making this advanced search tool accessible to hundreds of millions of users by next week. By the end of the year, AI Overviews will be available in more countries, potentially reaching over a billion users globally. This article delves into the details of AI Overviews, their functionality, and their implications for users and content creators alike.

What Are AI Overviews?

What Are AI Overviews
What Are AI Overviews

AI Overviews are a new feature in Google Search that utilizes generative AI technology to provide concise answers to complex queries. Introduced as part of the Search Generative Experience in May 2023, AI Overviews initially required an opt-in within Google Search Labs. In March 2024, Google began testing AI Overviews with a subset of users, leading to its current widespread rollout.

Powered by Google Gemini, AI Overviews synthesize information from across the web to generate a few snippets that answer users’ queries. These snippets aim to enhance the search experience by providing more comprehensive and contextually relevant information than traditional search results. See more details

Performance of AI Overviews

Performance of AI Overviews
Performance of AI Overviews

Higher Click-Through Rates

According to Hema Budaraju, Senior Director of Product for Search Generative Experience at Google, the link cards within AI Overviews generate a higher click-through rate (CTR) compared to traditional web search results. Despite this higher engagement, Google will not break out impressions and click data for AI Overview links in Google Search Console. This lack of separate reporting raises questions about transparency, as content creators are unable to track the specific performance of their content within AI Overviews.

Lack of Separate Reporting in Search Console

Google’s decision to lump together impressions and clicks from AI Overviews with those from traditional search results in Search Console has sparked speculation. Some believe this approach may obscure the true impact of AI Overviews on traffic to publishers’ sites. By not providing distinct metrics for AI Overviews, Google could be preventing content creators from fully understanding how these new search features affect their visibility and engagement.

Application of AI Overviews

Application of AI Overviews
Application of AI Overviews

Types of Queries Addressed by AI Overviews

AI Overviews are not displayed for all search queries. Instead, they are reserved for more complex questions where Google believes AI Overviews can add significant value beyond the standard search results. Budaraju explained that if an AI Overview does not enhance the user’s search experience, it will not be shown.

Criteria for Displaying AI Overviews

Google has not disclosed the specific percentage of queries that will trigger an AI Overview. The decision to display an AI Overview is based on the potential to provide valuable information rather than the presence or absence of ads. This approach ensures that AI Overviews are used to improve search results rather than being influenced by advertising considerations.

Impact of Ads on AI Overview Display

Reid clarified that ads will continue to appear in dedicated slots throughout the search results page, with clear labeling to distinguish between organic and sponsored results. AI Overviews will be shown for a variety of queries, including health, medical, and financial topics—often referred to as “your money, your life” (YMYL) queries.

Evolution of Google Search
Evolution of Google Search

Impact on Search Technology and User Experience

AI Overviews represent a significant advancement in search technology, leveraging generative AI to provide more nuanced and informative responses to user queries. This evolution aims to improve the overall user experience by delivering more relevant and comprehensive information quickly.

Benefits and Challenges for Users and Publishers

For users, AI Overviews offer a more efficient way to find answers to complex questions. However, for content creators and publishers, the integration of AI Overviews presents challenges, particularly regarding the lack of detailed performance data in Search Console. This opacity can make it difficult for publishers to optimize their content strategies effectively.

Handling Inaccuracies in AI Overviews

Like any new technology, AI Overviews are not immune to errors. There have been instances where AI Overviews provided incorrect information, such as the erroneous advice to drink urine to pass a kidney stone. Google promptly removed this response, but such incidents highlight the importance of continuous monitoring and improvement. Users can report harmful or inaccurate AI Overviews by clicking on the three dots at the top of the overview, helping Google refine and enhance the accuracy of these features over time.

Integration of Ads with AI Overviews

Opportunities for Advertisers

The rollout of AI Overviews also opens up new opportunities for advertisers. Google’s upcoming Google Marketing Live (GML) event is expected to announce several ad-based features, reflecting the potential for innovation and improved user experience to create new advertising avenues. Google has historically demonstrated that advancements in search technology can lead to new opportunities for advertisers, as seen during the transition from desktop to mobile search.

Insights from the Google Marketing Live Event

At the GML event, Google is likely to discuss how generative AI expands the types of questions that can be addressed and serves new intents in search. This expansion could lead to more helpful ads and enhanced connections between businesses and customers. Google has noted that users find ads placed either above or below AI Overviews helpful, and the company continues to experiment with new ad formats, including Search and Shopping ads alongside AI Overview results.

Additional AI Features in Google Search Labs

Google Search Labs
Google Search Labs

Multistep Reasoning Capabilities

In addition to AI Overviews, Google Search Labs is introducing several new AI features. One notable addition is multistep reasoning capabilities, which allow the search engine to process and respond to more complex queries that require a series of logical steps to answer.

Google is also rolling out planning capabilities, helping users organize and plan tasks more effectively. This feature leverages AI to provide structured guidance for activities that involve multiple steps or require detailed information.

AI-Organized Search Results

Another enhancement is AI-organized search results, which aim to streamline the presentation of information, making it easier for users to find relevant content quickly. This feature uses AI to categorize and prioritize search results based on the user’s intent and query complexity.

Google Lens Ask-with-Video Feature

The new Google Lens ask-with-video feature allows users to search using video inputs, providing a more interactive and dynamic search experience. This innovative tool utilizes AI to interpret video content and generate relevant search results, enhancing the versatility of Google Search.

AI Overviews and Featured Snippets
AI Overviews and Featured Snippets

Contrary to some speculation, AI Overviews are not replacing featured snippets. Google has confirmed that both AI Overviews and featured snippets will continue to appear in search results, each serving a complementary role. While featured snippets provide concise answers to straightforward queries, AI Overviews are designed to handle more complex questions.

Differences and Complementary Roles

The key difference between featured snippets and AI Overviews lies in their scope and application. Featured snippets extract brief, relevant information from a single source, while AI Overviews synthesize information from multiple sources to generate a more comprehensive response. Together, these features enhance the overall search experience by addressing a wider range of user needs.

Controlling Content in AI Overviews

Options for Website Owners to Opt Out

Website owners who prefer not to have their content displayed in AI Overviews can use standard search controls to opt out. This involves blocking their site from appearing in Google Search entirely through methods like robots.txt, meta tag controls, or other means. Google has provided a help document outlining ways to prevent content from being included in AI Overviews.

Current Limitations for Searchers

Currently, searchers do not have the option to opt out of seeing AI Overviews. This lack of user control underscores the importance of ensuring the accuracy and relevance of AI-generated content to maintain user trust and satisfaction.


What exactly are AI Overviews?

AI Overviews are a new feature in Google Search that utilizes generative AI technology to provide concise answers to complex queries. They aim to enhance the search experience by offering more comprehensive and contextually relevant information than traditional search results.

How do AI Overviews differ from traditional search results?

Unlike traditional search results, which provide a list of links, AI Overviews present synthesized information in the form of snippets that directly answer users’ queries. These snippets are generated using AI technology and draw from various sources across the web to provide a more holistic view of the topic.

Why are AI Overviews being introduced now?

AI Overviews were introduced as part of Google’s ongoing efforts to improve the search experience for users. The rollout of this feature reflects Google’s commitment to leveraging advanced technologies, such as generative AI, to provide more accurate and relevant search results.

How are AI Overviews generated?

AI Overviews are generated using generative AI technology powered by Google Gemini. This technology analyzes user queries and synthesizes information from multiple sources to generate concise snippets that directly address the query.

Can users opt out of seeing AI Overviews?

Currently, users do not have the option to opt out of seeing AI Overviews in Google Search. However, website owners can opt out of having their content displayed in AI Overviews by using standard search controls to block their site from appearing in Google Search entirely.

How accurate are AI Overviews?

While AI Overviews aim to provide accurate and relevant information, like any new technology, they are not immune to errors. Google continuously monitors and refines AI Overviews to improve their accuracy over time. Users can also report inaccurate or harmful AI Overviews to help Google enhance their performance.

Will AI Overviews replace featured snippets?

No, AI Overviews are not intended to replace featured snippets. Both AI Overviews and featured snippets serve complementary roles in providing information to users. While featured snippets offer brief, relevant answers to straightforward queries, AI Overviews handle more complex questions by synthesizing information from multiple sources.

How do AI Overviews affect website traffic and engagement?

According to Google, AI Overview link cards have been shown to generate a higher click-through rate (CTR) than traditional web search results. However, due to the lack of separate reporting in Google Search Console, content creators may find it challenging to track the specific impact of AI Overviews on their website traffic and engagement.

What types of queries trigger AI Overviews?

AI Overviews are typically triggered for more complex queries where Google believes they can add significant value beyond the standard search results. These queries may include topics related to health, medical, and financial information, often referred to as “your money, your life” (YMYL) queries.

Are there any privacy concerns associated with AI Overviews?

While AI Overviews aim to provide helpful information to users, some individuals may have privacy concerns about the use of AI technology to analyze and synthesize information from various sources. Google has implemented measures to ensure user privacy and data security while using AI Overviews.


AI Overviews represent a significant evolution in Google Search, leveraging generative AI to provide more nuanced and informative responses to complex queries. While this technology offers numerous benefits, including higher click-through rates and enhanced user experience, it also presents challenges, particularly regarding transparency and content control for publishers.

As AI Overviews continue to roll out and evolve, they are likely to play an increasingly important role in how users interact with search engines. By providing more comprehensive and contextually relevant information, AI Overviews have the potential to significantly improve the search experience for users worldwide.

Google’s ongoing efforts to refine and expand these features, including the introduction of new AI tools in Google Search Labs, demonstrate the company’s commitment to innovation and user satisfaction. As the search landscape continues to evolve, both users and content creators will need to adapt to these changes, embracing the opportunities and addressing the challenges that come with this new era of search technology.

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About the author

Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best!

Before blogging which started as a side project in 2019, Gbenga successfully led a digital marketing team for a prominent e-commerce startup. His expertise also extends to evaluating and recommending top-notch software solutions to boost your online business.

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Afenuvon Gbenga

Meet Afenuvon Gbenga, a full-time blogger, YouTuber, ICT specialist, tech researcher, publisher, and an experienced professional in e-commerce and affiliate marketing. Are you eager to kickstart your online business, then you're in the right place. Join us at techwithgbenga.com, where you'll uncover the insider secrets to starting and scaling a successful online business from the best...

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